Hi, I hope you’re having a wonderful day! I’m a maths and informatics student enthusiastic about reinforcement learning, causal inference, signal processing, and algorithmics. And I make a point of pointing out that calling informatics “computer science” would be like calling astrophysics “telescope science”… 😉

One of my favourite formulae – the bias-variance decomposition in least-squares regression with risk \(r(a) = \mathbb{E}[(a(X) - Y)^2]\), computed (randomised) algorithm \(A\), and optimal algorithm \(a^*\):

\[\underbrace{\mathbb{E}[r(A)] - r(a^*)}_{\text{expected excess risk}} = \underbrace{\mathbb{E}\left[(\mathbb{E}[A(X) \mid X] - a^*(X))^2\right]}_{\text{expected square bias}} + \underbrace{\mathbb{E}[\mathrm{Var}[A(X) \mid X]]}_{\text{expected variance}}\]


  • MSc in Informatics, TUM, 2025 (expected)
  • MSc in Mathematics, Oxford University, 2023
  • BSc in Mathematics, University of Passau, 2022
  • BSc in Informatics, University of Passau, 2022

Work experience

  • Summer 2023: Machine Learning Engineer Intern, Google, California & New York
  • Summer 2022: Software Engineering Intern, Google, San Francisco
  • 2018-2022: Self-employed Web Developer, Remote, Germany


Research projects
